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The President himself is leading the way by taking the role of National Task Force Commander, he is demonstrating resolve to fulfill his vow to provide a better future for the Filipino people. The 'Whole-of-Nation Approach' gives importance to inclusive and sustainable framework towards attaining peace.

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  1. Introduction
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As an aspiring computer forensics investigator, you should develop an understanding of computer hardware, for a number of reasons. This chapter from A Practical Guide to Computer Forensics Investigations covers the importance of being able to recognize different types of computer hardware; the various disk drive interfaces that an investigator can encounter; the types of devices used to forensically extract data from different storage devices; the variety of storage media used and how this evidence should be handled and analyzed; and the use of storage media in actual investigations.
This chapter is from the book
Practical Guide to Computer Forensics Investigations, A

This chapter is from the book

This chapter is from the book

Practical Guide to Computer Forensics Investigations, A


As an aspiring computer forensics investigator, you should develop an understanding of computer hardware, for a number of reasons. The first reason is that certain types of systems and hardware will only support certain types of software, in terms of operating system, file system, and applications. For example, it is important to understand that an Intel-based Mac can support both Mac OS X and its related HFS+ file system. Nevertheless, that same computer can also support a Windows operating system and related NTFS file system when Boot Camp is running. Boot Camp is a utility that is included with Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) that enables a user to run a Windows operating system on an Intel-based Mac.

Being cognizant of the diversity of computer hardware is also necessary because you need to know how systems can be connected to external devices, like routers or external hard drives. These connected devices, like routers, will often contain digital evidence and may need to be seized if a warrant permits. The investigator might also need to be able to reconstruct the computer and its devices when she returns to the laboratory.

Computer hardware, operating system(s), and applications also determine the kind of computer forensics tools necessary to acquire evidence from that system. For example, Mac Marshall Forensic software can be used to image (a strategy you learn about later in this chapter) a MacBook Pro running Mac OS X while Guidance Software's EnCase can be used to image a computer running Windows. Knowing that a computer is running Windows may not always be enough, however, because the version of the operating system should influence an investigator's decision regarding the type of forensic software to use. Additionally, the type of investigation determines the value of different types of evidence and guides the investigator to choose the most appropriate forensic tool. For example, in a case against an alleged sex offender, a computer forensics investigator might choose to use X-Ways Forensics, which has a particularly effective filtering feature for searching images for skin tones. Realistically, though, many local police departments simply do not have the budgets to purchase the full array of forensic tools and thus do not have the luxury of selecting the most appropriate tool. Moreover, even if they could purchase some of these tools, they do not have the training budget to support their usage.

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Proper planning for an investigation is critical. This entails knowing different computer hardware, like hard drives and other devices, to purchase the appropriate equipment. As you will learn from this chapter, many of the connections and related forensic hardware cannot be purchased at a local Staples stationary store if you need something; much of the forensic hardware is specialized and is only available from a very limited number of suppliers.

Finally, the handling of computer hardware in an investigation has legal ramifications. Evidence must be seized and handled in accordance with standard operating procedures that follow the law in that jurisdiction. Ultimately, the process by which you acquired the evidence is just as important as the evidence itself.


Proper planning for an investigation is critical. This entails knowing different computer hardware, like hard drives and other devices, to purchase the appropriate equipment. As you will learn from this chapter, many of the connections and related forensic hardware cannot be purchased at a local Staples stationary store if you need something; much of the forensic hardware is specialized and is only available from a very limited number of suppliers.

Finally, the handling of computer hardware in an investigation has legal ramifications. Evidence must be seized and handled in accordance with standard operating procedures that follow the law in that jurisdiction. Ultimately, the process by which you acquired the evidence is just as important as the evidence itself.

NSA Yearend Statement

Press Statement by the National Security Adviser and Director General, National Security Council

The National Security Situation in 2018, and outlook for 2019

The Philippines was stable and secure in 2018.

The National Security Council and the security sector succeeded in adequately managing national security in the face of numerous issues and concerns that continue to challenge the security of the nation.

The National Security Strategy (NSS) that was issued by President Rodrigo Roa Duterte in May was instrumental inn integrating the country's major security policies, defining responsibilities, and coordinating the actions of all concerned agencies, to effectively address security threats, issues and concerns both within and outside the country.

We recall that in 2018, the security sector was preoccupied with the following:

In the external environment, the West Philippine Sea issue remained to be contentious due to overlapping territorial claims and maritime domain concerns among various claimants. The great powers contest had actually shifted focus towards the contested waters if the South China Sea/West Philippine Sea, and in Asia in general.

Amidst this renewed global interest on Asia, the Duterte Administration adopted a 'middle ground' position signifying that the Philippines has embarked on an independent foreign policy that forges new partnerships with China and Russia, while maintaining ties with traditional partners such as the United States.

In securing the country's territorial integrity and sovereignty in the West Philippine Sea, we continue the use of diplomatic engagements with China and other claimant states without compromising Philippine national interest. The Bilateral Consultative Mechanism with China was established while the ASEAN-centered negotiations for the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea was formalized.

The Philippines also pursued the development of its deterrence capabilities for a credible defense posture, particularly through the increased funding allocation by Congress. The improvement of facilities in the Philippine-occupied features in the West Philippine Sea were also undertaken.

Trans-boundary issues such as terrorism, drug-trafficking, piracy, smuggling, and human trafficking are being addressed through the strong collaborative mechanisms within the ASEAN framework. The Philippines remains an active member-state that recognizes the ASEAN way in undertaking concerted actions against security threats and challenges in the region.

In the Philippines, illegal drugs have become a national security threat. The campaign against illegal drugs has become a primary mission and the campaign will even be more intensified to eradicate the menace.

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The terrorist threat posed by local communist terrorist groups continue to threaten the lives, properties, and freedoms of the Filipino people. They hamper the country's potential economic gains and progress.

The threat form ISIS-affiliated groups remains despite their resounding defeat in Marawi, which is now undergoing reconstruction and rehabilitation.

Elsewhere, in areas where there are local terrorist groups such as the Abu Sayyaf, Maute and the BIFF, the operations will be relentless. More security forces will be deployed, as necessary.

Only a few weeks ago, President Duterte issued Executive Order 70 (EO 70) providing for a Whole-of-Nation approach in defeating the Local Communist Terrorist Groups. A National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC) was created to synchronize the utilization of the government's instrumentalities of power with the capabilities of private sector stakeholders to finally end the 50-year long deceit, lies and atrocities committed by the communist terrorists against the people.

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The President himself is leading the way by taking the role of National Task Force Commander, he is demonstrating resolve to fulfill his vow to provide a better future for the Filipino people.

The 'Whole-of-Nation Approach' gives importance to inclusive and sustainable framework towards attaining peace. In this light, the government remained persistent in implementing the Enhanced Comprehensive Localized Integration Program (E-CLIP), wherein rebel returnees have found alternatives to a life of crime and violence.

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On the Mindanao situation, the recent Congressional approval to extent Martial Law demonstrates government's commitment at maintaining peace and order and eliminating extremist influence in the region. The extended implementation of Martial Law will be vital in ensuring the success of the upcoming plebiscite of the Bangsamoro Organic Law in January 2019.

Prospects care bright for an even more stable and secure nation in 2019. With the NSS and the 'Whole-of-Nation Approach' in place, the security sector will become more robust in addressing future security challenges. We are optimistic that as we are able to provide continuing stability, more developmental prospects, small and big - such as our Build, Build, Build projects -- will see fruition. All these will translate to improved economic standing and better living conditions of most Filipinos.

We, in the security sector, stand with the President and remain committed to secure our territory, ensure sovereignty, and implement law and order - all for the well-being of the Filipino and for our future generations.

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